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Bible and Phone

YouVersion Bible Studies To Check Out In The New Year

By Devotion, ResourcesNo Comments

Have you seen YouVersion’s Daily Refresh? Every day, a new Verse of the Day Story is posted which usually includes a video, a Scripture, a guided prayer, questions to think about, and shareable social media graphics of the verse. There’s also a separate guided prayer section that helps you go deeper in prayer with Scripture and questions. The content is powerful and easily accessible on your phone, but if you’re looking for studies that go a bit deeper…

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Some Things To Think About

By DevotionNo Comments

If you listen to Hope 100.7, you already know the DJs always have nuggets of wisdom and truth to share with their listeners. They allow you into their lives as they walk and talk through struggles and questions. Today we have a few snippets from CJ McKay and Todd Stach about various aspects of Christian life. Enjoy!

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Waiting on God

Waiting on God

By CJ McKay, Devotion, ResourcesNo Comments

I was just pondering something…you know, sometimes when we pray for something we get the answer quickly, but sometimes we have to wait and wait and wait. And I don’t know about you, but patience is not exactly my strong suit. It’s not a very pleasant thing to wait, is it? But you know what? That waiting is all part of God’s process.

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father and son

Some Great Advice on Life and Faith

By Devotion, Resources, Todd StachNo Comments

Here’s another edition of “Well, Since You Said It That Way, It Makes a Lot of Sense” hosted by me, Todd Stach. Okay…it’s really not a game show, but consider this: you relax on a plane, even though you don’t know the pilot, you relax on a cruise ship, even though you don’t know the captain, you relax on a bus, even though you don’t know the driver. So why don’t you relax in life, knowing that God is in control? If you know him, there should be some peace there. I get it. It’s hard, but those analogies make so much sense to me now.

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Why Grace Changes Everything

By CJ McKay, DevotionNo Comments

Sometimes as Christians we get caught up in doing our best to make things happen…we’re trying to get God to do things for us. I guess maybe I was caught up in that. The other day I heard this still small voice inside of me say, “Grace is already flowing; all you have to do is just get in it.” That’s all you have to do, just get into the grace and things will happen. And you know what? That grace started flowing at the cross and it’s been flowing ever since.”

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