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Here’s another edition of “Well, Since You Said It That Way, It Makes a Lot of Sense” hosted by me, Todd Stach. Okay…it’s really not a game show, but consider this: you relax on a plane, even though you don’t know the pilot, you relax on a cruise ship, even though you don’t know the captain, you relax on a bus, even though you don’t know the driver. So why don’t you relax in life, knowing that God is in control? If you know him, there should be some peace there. I get it. It’s hard, but those analogies make so much sense to me now.

Trust In The Lord

There are things going on in the world right now that are out of your control, out of my control- in the midst of chaos. If it’s causing hardship in your life, I’m very, very, sorry. There is one thing you can do to help fix your eyes on Jesus- when you can’t understand what God is doing, say this: I will trust in the Lord

When you can’t see past what’s right in front of you, because you’re just so burdened, say this: 

I will trust in the Lord.

When you can’t control the circumstances that you’re in, say this: 

I will trust in the Lord. 

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3.5-6 NIV

This might challenge you or give you encouragement- I’m not sure which way it will go for you. But when I saw this, it challenged me. “Stress comes from trying to do it all on your own. Peace comes from putting it all in God’s hands.” So whether it’s a relationship, stress at your job, paying bills, whatever it might be, daily give it over to God and expect Him to come through. 

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Simple Prayer

I’m wondering if you would agree with me, but I think we complicate prayer. I complicate prayer. Really, it’s not a complicated process, but for whatever reason in our humanness, you and I can kind of complicate it. Here’s the simple reality: talk to Jesus about your day, your fears, your joy, your needs, your wants, pray for your family, your friends, even trivial topics. He wants to be a part of every area of your life. Talk to Him about Bible verses you don’t understand, cry out to Him when you need Him. You can never go to Jesus too many times. In fact, the more He hears from you, the better.

Feeling Stuck? 

The next time you feel stuck in a season, I want you to remember this: an unexpected detour or delay doesn’t mean your purpose has ended. Life is full of twists and turns, and honestly, God rarely takes you to where you want to go on the path that you think makes the most sense. In comes disappointment, in comes discouragement because you think you’re not where you should be and you didn’t expect life to look like it does right now. Just because the path God has you on is harder and not what you anticipated doesn’t mean that God’s not in it. It might be taking longer than you thought. That doesn’t mean God’s not going to do it just because you feel alone at times, it doesn’t mean that God has left. Just because it looks impossible, doesn’t mean it’s not possible. God’s ways are not your ways and not my ways. Impossible is actually where God starts. Miracles are what God does… keep believing in God. It’s not over.

Impossible is actually where God starts.

Todd Stach

For more thought-provoking topics, tune in to Hope 100.7. 
God bless you. Stay hopeful! ❤️

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