What do you think of first when you hear the word “worship”? Do you think of worship music? Or a worship service? If so, I want to encourage you to think a little deeper about the meaning of true worship. Jesus points out in Matthew 15.8-9…
Kindness, gentleness, meekness, self control…it’s important for us to reflect the Kingdom. So today I’m going to drop some acts of kindness ideas for you to think about.
Hey there! CJ McKay here. Have you ever been believing God for something and you feel like man, I’ve been believing for so long and it hasn’t happened. I don’t know if I have any more faith left to believe. Keep in mind these words from Joseph Prince: he says that the faith walk isn’t hard, it’s easy and effortless. When your faith runs out, just judge God faithful. When you don’t know how to have faith anymore, reckon on his faithfulness. Don’t give up because you think you don’t have enough faith. Once God gives you a promise, it’s not up to you to conjure up faith. It’s for you to rest in the One who promised that He is faithful.
Here’s another edition of “Well, Since You Said It That Way, It Makes a Lot of Sense” hosted by me, Todd Stach. Okay…it’s really not a game show, but consider this: you relax on a plane, even though you don’t know the pilot, you relax on a cruise ship, even though you don’t know the captain, you relax on a bus, even though you don’t know the driver. So why don’t you relax in life, knowing that God is in control? If you know him, there should be some peace there. I get it. It’s hard, but those analogies make so much sense to me now.
“I’m thoroughly convinced that one of the keys to a successful Christian life is to remember that God’s heart is one of mercy and forgiveness, not judgment.
A wise young lady was recently sharing that what’s on the inside of us will come out…just like a sponge when it’s squeezed. So, the question is what are we producing or focused on on the inside so something good- something godly- comes out? Check out Matthew 12.34.” ~Joy
“Laying your burdens at Jesus’ feet is about trust, prayer, and renewing your mind. Worry is part of the human experience that stems from fear and is aggravated by our increasing desire to control every part of our lives…”
Sometimes as Christians we get caught up in doing our best to make things happen…we’re trying to get God to do things for us. I guess maybe I was caught up in that. The other day I heard this still small voice inside of me say, “Grace is already flowing; all you have to do is just get in it.” That’s all you have to do, just get into the grace and things will happen. And you know what? That grace started flowing at the cross and it’s been flowing ever since.”
“Think about some of the acronyms and abbreviations you use at your job. I know when I was in college, everything had an abbreviation or an acronym. ‘Hey, let’s meet…
“You have to wonder how many people really struggle with confidence. If I’m being honest with you, I do. Am I good enough for this job? Am I the best…
Chances are you’ve heard “God loves you” or “Jesus loves you” more times than you can count. (And if not, hear it now- God DOES love you!) Have you really…
As we’re approaching a new year, it’s the natural time to think about ways you want to change your life. Take some time to set measurable, attainable goals in categories…
Between shipping delays, the cost of all kinds of things increasing, and a hard financial year for many people, you might be looking for some ways to save money (or…
Are you tired? Do you feel weak or weary? It’s time to take a break from your never ending to-do list and rest. I can hear you now, “I can’t…
We’ve all been there at some time or another- the new kid in town, at school, or as may be the case for you- a new church. Making friends at…