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Between shipping delays, the cost of all kinds of things increasing, and a hard financial year for many people, you might be looking for some ways to save money (or stress) this Christmas while still thoughtfully blessing your loved ones with gifts. Look no further for great DIY gift ideas on a budget! (And I included the term “on a budget” because I found after searching around on the internet that DIY doesn’t always equal cheap!) Whether you like to cook, like to craft, or want to involve the children, we’ve got ideas for you!

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Sweet Treats

Never underestimate the power of a lovingly prepared treat in cute packaging! Treats are great for the people you know who are hard to buy for because they “have everything.” You can choose recipes based on what you already know they like, or for dietary restrictions. For example, a quick search for “keto treat recipes” or “sugar free candy recipes” or “vegan candy recipes” will yield up a bounty of options! Cute packaging can be found at Walmart, Dollar General, or online.

This Gingerbread Fudge Recipe is a perfect option because it uses simple and readily available ingredients, and has easy to follow instructions. Chocolate Truffles are a classic and versatile option that almost everyone loves. Or, for a more involved project, go ahead and make an adorable and delicious homemade gingerbread house to really WOW your loved one!

DIY-Christmas Gifts on a Budget – chocolate

Let The Kids Help

1. Christmas Tea Tree

Any tea lover on your list would adore this Christmas Tea Tree. It’s decor and a month’s worth of hot delicious tea in one! You can choose the type of tea you know your loved one likes, or do a sampler of all kinds of different teas and flavors. You could pair the tree with little gift boxes of sugar, honey, or even a tea cup.

DIY-Christmas Gifts on a Budget – tea trees

2. Snowflake Coasters

These snowflake coasters are an adorable, easy, and affordable gift for almost anyone on your list. I love that they can be used all the way til spring and then be pulled out again next Christmas. Package them in a little box or canister with a label so your loved one knows what they are, and enjoy the project!

3. Mason Jar Votive Holder

These mason jar votive holders could be made out of things you already have around the house! You can use all different shapes of glass jars (think: spaghetti sauce jars, jam jars, peanut butter jars) Chalk paint can be made out of acrylic paint with baking soda added, and the shape on the jar can be cut out of painters tape or stickers you already have. The possibilities are endless! 

Now For The Hard Part

Men are notoriously hard to figure out good DIY gifts for, but I think I found some great ones!

1. For His Face

For the bearded man, make homemade beard oil. This is especially easy if you’re already into essential oils, but even if you’re not, there are plenty of affordable oils available on websites like Eden’s Garden or Plant Therapy. If the man on your list is a shaver, you could make homemade shaving cream for a really pampering and practical gift!

2. Manly Treats

You’ve heard “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach?” It’s true. A few options for food related gifts are: 

DIY-Christmas Gifts on a Budget – cloth

3. Coasters

Handmade coasters! The options are endless with these DIY coasters. You can do any color and any design that fits the guy on your list. The map idea is super cool…you could print maps from his favorite vacation destination or his hometown. You could use pictures of fish, deer, sports logos or scrapbook paper in patterns that match his office…you get the idea!

DIY-Christmas Gifts on a Budget – coasters

What are some DIY Christmas gifts you’ve made in the past? Do you have any planned for this year? Let us know in the comments, and include pictures if you decide to make any of the ideas from this list! Merry Christmas and happy crafting!

For more thought-provoking topics, tune in to Hope 100.7. 
God bless you. Stay hopeful! ❤️

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