Whether you want to bring hope to somebody’s Christmas or you’re looking for a more hopeful Christmas, this is the place for you!

Check out the short videos below to learn more or scroll down to get started!

I want to give Hope

I need Hope this Christmas


Find a need that speaks to your heart and give hope to their Christmas!

Displaying 41 - 42 of 42


Oh my has it been a long year! My husband and I and our children are life long Xenia residents. In March of last year our landlord lost the rental house we were renting and we had nowhere to go. We finally found housing and things started looking up. My husband finally found a job after being laid off during Covid. I have a steady job and have been working a ton of hours to try to make ends meet. Things have been looking up. Then I got the dreaded call from my doctor after some routine blood work that I needed to see the cancer doctor at Soin. After the initial appointment I was told I had four lung masses and my blood levels were very low I needed to start infusions immediately. The infusions made me sick, so sick and it caused me to miss a lot of unpaid time off. As of today I am still seeing the cancer doctor and completing infusions twice a week. My hours at work were cut due to me having to miss so much due to my appointments. My car and my husband’s car broke down within the same week so now we’re left walking our children to and from school daily because we live too close to their schools to be on a bus route. Last week my husband lost his job due to them not having enough work. I’m still not able to work full time just yet. We are facing eviction and have shut off notices on almost every bill in the house. We don’t qualify for assistance because of where I work. What’s left? I have to hand it over to God and know that he won’t give me more than I can handle. My one wish is for my kids to have a great Christmas with all of the daily chaos in our life’s. We would be more than thankful. Thank you for listening to my story and God bless!


Tracie had to move back home with her 2 children (10 year old boy and 8 year old girl.) She has worked since her junior year of high school 17 years ago but is currently unemployed as of a month ago due to no fault of her own. The kids father is in their life, but doesn't live with them and doesn't provide any financial support. She does get food stamps but no cash assistance. She is struggling financially and emotionally and could use a little extra help to get through the holidays. I would be forever grateful for anyone that could give her hope!

Christmas Hope is presented in part by Korrect Plumbing

Submit a Christmas Hope for yourself or on behalf of somebody else