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Audio Clip: Lisa Barry on Hope 100.7

“Do you realize God lavishes gifts in every scenario- I don’t care how miserable it is- and if you’ve been sick lately (me too! I had pneumonia) and was presented a very sweet gift when it was all over. I learned this the last couple days- that being sick is an intense gift. Crazy, right?! With my coffee table piled high with Kleenexes and coughing fits, it got me thinking about people who are stuck in chronic illness or emotional pain and I just wondered “how do they do it every day?” They’re like superhuman to live with this level of discomfort all the time. Does anybody recognize that kind of an award? It’s like we all show up to track and field day at school and there’s this oval track and some have a perfectly manicured lane with nothing on it and others have hurdles in their lanes. Obviously, somebody jumping hurdles can’t go as fast as somebody with none. They’ll never win! It’s unfair! Where are those people? People for whom life is such a daily effort- I just want to congratulate them. Is that you? I want to congratulate you; I want to throw you a party and put your picture up on a hero wall. I didn’t really understand exactly how you felt until I was feeling the same way. Isn’t God masterful at turning worthless things like illness into a classroom?” ~Lisa Barry

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When You Think About Gifts From God

When you think about God giving you a gift, what comes to mind first? Money? A house? A job? A child? Do you ever think of God giving you a gift through suffering? Surprisingly, sometimes that’s exactly how it happens! Have you experienced a tragedy, a failure, or something similar that caused you to have compassion for others who have dealt with the same thing? So many times, we can’t imagine how painful something is until we’ve dealt with it ourselves, especially when something is considered “common”, like divorce or miscarriage. It’s easy to underestimate the magnitude of the fallout in someone else’s life…but once we’ve experienced it for ourselves, it changes how we feel when someone else has to go through it. Your purpose and ministry will spring from the ways the Lord has healed and restored you. What are some ways you can reach out and be a blessing to the next person in your life who has to face a trial you’ve already been through?

If you’re in the middle of your crisis now, know that He is for you and be comforted by these God-breathed words:

“Jesus replied, ‘You don’t understand now what I am doing but someday you will.’”

John 13.7 NLT

“He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.”

2 Corinthians 1.4 NLT

 “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to HIs purpose for them.”

Romans 8.28

Romans 8.28 is an anchor in times of chaos, struggle, and despair. If we can allow our eyes to be turned to Jesus in our darkest times, we can learn many lessons…about Him, about ourselves, and about others. 

For more thought-provoking topics, tune in to Hope 100.7. 
God bless you. Stay hopeful! ❤️

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