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Audio Clip: Julie Pierce on Hope 100.7

There are so many ways to show you love somebody! The post that we put on Hope 100.7’s Facebook page “I don’t need flowers, candy, shopping sprees, or poems. To me, love is waking up to an empty sink,” Cheryl commented, she said “Absolutely agree, Julie!!!” and then Kendra said that when her daughter tells her she is an awesome mommy. Awe, I love that! That would make me feel loved, too, Kendra! Jenni says, “Acts of service and the gift of time are my love language. I try to tell my husband how much I trust him and honor and respect his first love to be Jesus Christ.” Well, that’s pretty cool. I’m sure that helps tremendously. You know, when you put Christ first in your marriage, then your marriage is going to be better. 

Sue said, “the above picture, for sure” meaning that waking up to an empty sink makes her feel loved. What about you? What else makes you feel loved? Daryl, I asked you earlier…what did you say? What makes you feel loved? Daryl: “Our daughter will basically go through these spurts at times when we come home, and the house is really clean.”

Julie: Stuff’s put away, then we can’t find some things we left out. Where did that go?! Check the basket!! ?

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Ways We Can Show Love ❤️

I was thinking about the various ways we can show love…I thought to myself how many times do you not bring up something that your spouse has done, or even your friend has done, or you and your kids think “see, I’m showing love by not pointing out this flaw or this thing that they’ve done again to get on my nerves.” I’ll tell you, I do that sometimes. I’ll think “ok, well, I don’t want to be a nag…that really annoys me what this person is doing, but I want to show love. I want to show that I’m bigger than that, and I’m not going to say anything.” It occurred to me- how many times have people had to do that for me?! They think, “I want to show her I love her, so I’m not going to point out that really annoying thing she’s doing right now.” Yikes!

Some of our Facebook friends weighed in with the ways they feel loved: 

“A sweet text in the middle of the day, random hugs, chores that are completed by anyone other than me. ?”


“My sweet husband cooks for me.”


And one more from Julie:

“When my husband willingly goes back out into the cold to get my cell phone, because I left it in the car.”

Julie Pierce

What are some ways the people around you make you feel loved? Or what are some unusual ways you try to make others feel loved? We’d love to hear from you!

God bless you. Stay hopeful! ❤️

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