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Over the last several weeks while out and about I’ve heard both parents and teachers talking about the start of school. While the emotions are mixed, the primary anticipation is that both can’t wait until school starts…but each for different reasons.

Teachers are ready to start a year with new students, new excitement, and new expectations. A new school year includes creating fun bulletin boards, shiny workbooks, and fresh supplies.

Many teachers have spent the summer thinking about the themes and methods that will entice the restless students that will grace their classrooms. Some teachers have taken summer workshops to spruce up their own skills and certification.

Parents on the other hand are most often voicing, “I can’t wait until school starts,” because they are ready to send the children back to gain their own breath of sanity.

Parenting of today is not the “Ozzie and Harriet,” “My Three Sons,” or “Little House on the Prairie.” Children of that era lived in neighborhoods and communities that provided safe environments where children could play outside and expend the energy that is now pent-up and internalized.

Parents of today are often working long hours, or several jobs to make ends meet. They are tired and stretched between home, family, and job responsibilities.

Children have the most mixed reaction to going back to school. I believe this is dependent on the child’s learning style and their social needs. Children who are hands on, kinesthetic, tactile learners tend to not want to return to very rigid, structured classrooms. While students who like to read, write, and “play school” are ready to return.

Students who have a high desire to be with people are ready to return to school to hang out with their friends. However, students who are shy or don’t fit into a typical social group are dreading returning to school.

How can we make this back to school a win-win for teachers, parents, and students? The most powerful thing we can do is to PRAY!

Prayer needs to be specific. Let’s look at specific prayer requests for each of those returning to school.


  • Clarity of mind in planning
  • Peacefulness in times of stress
  • Joyful appreciation of unusual circumstances
  • Flexibility to catch the moments of unplanned learning opportunities
  • Ability to juggle the responsibilities of home and school


  • Persistence in helping children back into a school routine
  • Patience when children are not cooperating to return to school
  • Determination to support the education process in creating a love for learning
  • Providing a loving atmosphere that supports each child beyond their school results
  • Ability to develop a schedule that is workable for the family


  • Willingness to try new concepts
  • Safety when playing with others
  • Focused attention to really hear what is being taught
  • Protection against bullies and others who may not hold their own beliefs
  • Ability to complete homework as independently as possible for their age

We all once were children. You can add to the list based upon what you would have hoped people were praying for you. Not everyone reading this may be or have been a parent, but you can always pray for what you wish your parents or teachers would have provided during your childhood.

God has given us a wonderful opportunity to contribute to our communities by creating a Godly environment for teachers, parents, and students. If you know teachers, call their names out specifically. Possibly give them a quick call or drop a note to let them know you are praying for them. Think of families you would like to contact and tell them you are praying for them. This would be greatly appreciated. Also, ask them for specific prayer requests. When you have the opportunity to talk to any young person, ask them how they are doing in school and if they have any special prayer requests.

Don’t grow weary in well-doing (Galatians 6:9). Praying specifically is a much needed support to the teachers, parents, and students on the front lines of learning. There is a spiritual battle raging against our children and families. In public schools teachers are often caught in the middle unable to share Jesus as the answer. Our prayer coverage opens spiritual opportunities for God to move mightily on behalf of our future generation. We want the students, families, and teachers to know Jesus as their savior and friend that sticks to them closer than a brother. That knowledge of Jesus is PRICELESS and ETERNAL!

For more thought-provoking topics, tune in to Hope 100.7. 
God bless you. Stay hopeful! ❤️

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