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Do you ever find yourself thinking “if I can’t do something really big, I might as well not do anything at all.” It’s easy to believe small gestures can’t make a big impact, but there are free, simple ways we can show love and kindness in the course of our daily lives that can make eternal differences in the lives of others. Julie and Daryl talk with Hope listeners and their responses show how we can be a blessing to the people around us just by smiling, being kind, and being ourselves.

“Have you ever been to a business- a restaurant, even an airplane, wherever- and there’s an employee there who’s having so much fun doing their job? They go out of their way to make you smile, to make you know that they’re glad you’re there. I’ve experienced that. There’s a Kroger store, I would choose to go there, because this cashier was just so outgoing and so friendly. He made everybody feel welcome and everybody feel happy. He just did. He was a big draw. There’s been a drive-thru I would go out of my way to go to, because the woman was so friendly, she was just so kind. You know, sadly, that just seems a rarer thing than maybe what it used to be, I’m not sure. The other day, Daryl and I saw this video of this guy, he’s a flight attendant on an airplane. He’s just having a ball and he is like a one-man comedy routine during the safety instruction spiel, which is normally kind of boring. I posted the video on Hope 100.7’s Facebook page, you can check it out. We would like to know- have you ever run into someone like that, who just has such a great time doing their job that it makes your day? Give them a shoutout. Tell us about it.” -Julie Pierce

“I was just going to say, for all the years I’ve traveled into Dayton, Ohio from Columbus- over 40 years- I’ve listened to you guys. You guys have always kept me going in the morning, and I appreciate that, so I’m telling you how much I appreciate what you guys do! Do you understand what I’m saying? Because when you’re out here in the bad weather and everything, you need something like that. And I’m listening to you every morning.” -Hope Listener

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(I want to give a shoutout to) “my son, Jackson. He has down syndrome and I’ve been listening to your show this morning- he lifts up everybody! He’s the closest thing to God and he exhibits that everyday with his smile and people he touches. He’s only 3 years old, and the Holy Spirit runs right through him. You’re talking about a job- it’s not a job, it’s just who he is. He’s touched our entire family and he’s awesome.” -Joe

“Yesterday at work, I mentioned to one of my coworkers and asked about one of my other coworkers and she mentioned that she was sick and I said ‘ok, I’ll pray for her.’ I didn’t even see it at first, she pulled out her hand and we prayed together in the office. It was just awesome that she pulled her hands out and we prayed together. I had tears in my eyes after that and I thanked her. That helped encourage me.” -Jimmy

“I wanted to thank you for everything you all do, but it was ministering to me, the question you asked, because I just had worked in retail for the last 4 years….I’m not working in retail right now, but I just wanted to say, that was one of the most amazing things how God ministered to me was he showed me on my worst days as a customer service person, just giving a smile blessed them and blessed me, it was contagious. How God pressed that upon me to stir up that gift- by even just a simple smile, even if it didn’t feel like it, it always came back to bless me even more. The people and the friendships and the way God would minister and flow, it was just evident that it was God. There are many stories- I had one lady come in one day, and we got to talking and she was retired from Kroger and she talked about how that was her passion. She loved just getting out and being around the people. People would come just to see her and check on her- and it does get to be like your family. Your community is your family, wherever you are and wherever you work. I just encourage anybody listening to take that ministry in their life going forward. Thank you for reminding me…that’s what it’s about.” -Hope Listener

What about you? Are there people that make your life better just by the way they treat you? Tell us about them, and maybe it will inspire others to show kindness too!

For more thought-provoking topics, tune in to Hope 100.7. 
God bless you. Stay hopeful! ❤️

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