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Did you catch Julie and Daryl talking about the 2020 Tip Challenge on-air earlier this year? If not, this is what they had to say about it. 

Audio Clip: Morning Host Julie Pierce on Hope 100.7

Remember around Christmas and New Year there were people giving out $2000, sometimes $2500 tips to servers? That was pretty cool! Apparently Donnie Wahlberg, the actor, made it especially popular on New Years Day when he left a $2020 tip. It’s called the 2020 Tip Challenge. Waiters and waitresses are still getting big tips- in fact, there was a server in Massachusetts who got a $5000 tip! First she thought it was just $50, then she noticed the extra zeroes. What’s funny is the guy who left the tip is a billionaire car dealer, and he left her the tip for excellent service, and he also wrote on the receipt “Donnie, your move!” So he’s encouraging Donnie and others to continue being generous. I just love that, I love that attitude and it seems like more and more people are just giving and giving and making lives change…helping lives change for the better. Even if we’re not billionaires, even if we’re not rich celebrities like Donnie Wahlberg, we can still be generous in our own way. I just wanted to throw that out there. I love stories like this- they’re pretty encouraging, aren’t they?

Julie Pierce

Now that so many servers are left without a source of income, the 2020 Tip Challenge has become more than just a gesture of generosity- it’s a way we can all try to keep those who are struggling financially afloat until things get back to normal. There are so many ways you can help… (spoiler alert- even if you’re struggling yourself!) Most importantly, keep the ones hardest hit in your prayers, not only for financial provision, but for emotional and spiritual well-being. We can never underestimate the power of our intercession!  For the few that can afford a $2020 tip, by all means, do that! For the rest of us, here’s a list of ways to help not only servers, but others being negatively impacted by this crisis.

6 Ways You Can Help

  1. If you know someone personally who’s struggling, reach out to them and see what they need. If you don’t have it, ask others in your circle and see if they can help. If you’re good at research, find some ministries or charities that might be able to help and pass that information on. 
  2. Many cities are setting up virtual tip jars to support servers that are out of work. If your city doesn’t have one, consider setting it up yourself. If you’re not equipped to do that, reach out to restaurants you frequent and ask how you can support the servers. 
  3. Check gofundme.com for local fundraisers to support. 
  4. If you don’t have extra funds, but thanks to your coupon-clipping or bargain-buying you have an extensive pantry, consider donating to an individual directly (while social-distancing, of course) or to a community food pantry or church. 
  5. If you don’t have extra funds or extra provisions, first of all, make sure to tell someone. There are resources available, as well as programs lenders are implementing to help if you’re having trouble paying your bills. Then, share what you find out with others. You can be generous with lots of things besides money. ❤️ 
  6. Share ways the Lord has been providing for you. Pass on Bible verses that have been uplifting or comforting. 

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”

Proverbs 11.25 NIV

“Remember this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 

2 Corinthians 9.6-8

Friends, be encouraged by the great things happening during this unprecedented time! Spend some time in prayer and be open to God giving you creative ideas to show generosity in a way only you can. Can you think of other ways to help those around you? Share your ideas in the comments below.

God bless you. Stay hopeful. ❤️

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