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“I love hearing all about our homeschooling moms and those going back to school. So this mom, she’s got a t-shirt on, a coffee mug in her hand, and her t-shirt says, “World’s Okayest Homeschool Mom.” She’s got three boys and it looks like they are off to a good start. So shout out to all of our parents, those in school, out of school, in homeschool, doing the dual thing, a shout out to the kiddos, the parents, all of you. Just sayin, ‘Hey.’” Joy Ware Miller

This year, many families are finding themselves in circumstances they never imagined. One that might be a little unnerving is becoming a homeschooling family when that was never part of the plan. Not to worry! Today we have 3 tips to help you get the most out of your homeschool experience, whether it’s long-term or not.

3 Tips To Get The Most Out of Homeschooling

1. Be patient.

Especially if you’re a perfectionist, or used to getting things right quickly- give yourself some grace. Give your kids some grace. The word “unprecedented” is being thrown around like confetti for a reason. This is new territory for many of us and it takes time (and probably a little experimenting) to figure out a system that works for your family. Try to be ok with being the “World’s Okayest Homeschool Mom,” especially if this is not a long-term change for you. 

No matter the reason you’re in this situation, you can make the best of it and make it a good experience for your kids. 

2. Experiment.

It’s hard to think about changing up your routine if you’ve spent money or a bunch of time figuring out what to do, but if it isn’t working and you’re all miserable, it’s time to switch it up a little. Homeschool is all about being flexible and doing what’s right for your individual kids. If there’s too much to do and the kids are getting overwhelmed or frustrated, simplify your schedule to give everyone a break. If a certain curriculum or method doesn’t seem to be connecting, try something different. Remind yourself that you are not a slave to a schedule or a checklist. Don’t be afraid to make some changes, and reach out for help when you aren’t sure what to do next.

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3. Reach Out.

Community is a crucial part of homeschooling. There are regional meetings, parent groups, Facebook pages and groups, YouTube channels, blogs, podcasts, conferences, etc, to help you get connected. Just having a place you can ask questions will make you feel more confident in your homeschooling abilities. You can choose to search for other families doing the same curriculum or method as you, or families with kids the same age, or homeschoolers in your town. Sometimes sharing the responsibility of a certain class or subject can change everything. Think about if you have someone in your life who would be great at teaching or helping your children with a subject…is your spouse great at math? Do you have a grandpa who loves history? An aunt who loves to read? A fellow homeschool mom who specializes in fancy science experiments? Usually, a little creativity goes a long way in homeschooling!

No matter if you’re homeschooling for a season, or if you plan to homeschool through graduation, these 3 tips will make your life easier! Give yourself grace, stay flexible, and don’t go it alone! You’re the best person for the job. 

*Bonus Tip* (which you probably already know) Pray often! God wants you to succeed and will help you along the way ❤️

For more thought-provoking topics, tune in to Hope 100.7. 
God bless you. Stay hopeful! ❤️

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