A father and his young son were out for a ride with the horse and buggy many years ago. It had been a very rainy week, and the roads were…
My daddy told the story that you can’t stop the birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from making a nest in your hair. Can we…
Have you ever had an embarrassing experience, maybe even years ago – and it still haunts you? Maybe you did something stupid or had to deal with an awkward situation…
Do you still have your highschool yearbook? Do your children have theirs? I was listening to the radio…
Mother’s Day is coming up, and for most of us, we don’t mind the trip to the store for a card and a gift. We may even enjoy taking Mom…
April showers bring May flowers. If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Okay, I won’t start that, but the popular saying refers to April being the…
Unless you have been literally in a cave for the last six months, you have probably heard about the total solar eclipse that will occur on April 8th. This eclipse…
I always used to get a new dress for Easter. One year, my dad had lost his job, and my mom attempted to sew a dress for me since money…
Right now, you are reading a blog post on a radio music station website, so the odds are you at least occasionally listen to music. On your phone, in the…
Many approach each New Year with a glimmer of HOPE for a fresh start, “Off with the old and on with the new.” However, just saying the right slogans doesn’t…
You really wanted that job, but it went to someone else. Once again, your spouse lets you down or you see your grown children making poor choices – and it…
If you listen regularly to Hope 100.7, you have heard about Christmas Hope, a program matching people in need with people who are willing to share their blessings with others….
Are you looking for a simple but meaningful gift to give to someone this year? Abraham Lincoln is supposed to have said that his best friend was the person who…
Last time, we started a list of unusual things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving season. The first two were a sense of humor and the uniqueness of our seasons….
When my kids were younger, at Thanksgiving time, we would go out in the yard and bring in a branch. I cut leaf shapes out of colored paper and the…