As promised, here are some more messages of encouragement from some of Hope 100.7’s artists to brighten your day and turn your eyes toward Jesus!
Love and The Outcome

Hey, guys! Chris and Jodi from Love and The Outcome. You know, it’s so easy to focus on the what-ifs, and “when am I going to play a show again” and trying to control the future. But you know what? Trying to live in the future is stressful. We tend to get a bit anxious when we spend too much time in that place, trying to do God’s job. So instead, we’ve been living in the present. Trying to be with each other and Holy Spirit, going on bike rides, making lots of coffee. We got doughnuts today- pretty life-giving! So, anyway, we’re just trying to do things that allow us to stay in the moment with each other and the Lord and really get to know Him in a new way. So let’s just lean in in this season; not lean back and peace out, but lean in and be present.
Matt from I Am They

What’s up, everybody! This is Matt from I Am They. I’m out here in God’s country, breathing the fresh air. Man, this is the place to be. Come on, you don’t need Germ-X up here! I just wanted to share some words of encouragement to you right now. Man, our greatest moments of adversity are also our greatest moments of opportunity. Right now, we have such an opportunity to share the peace and the hope and the love and the joy of our God with the world that right now is so- just shook up, and in this place of anxiety and fear and desperation. God hasn’t given us that spirit. He hasn’t given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and a sound mind. And so, right now, I just want to encourage you to start taking that opportunity to just worship God. To get alone with him, to start praying. To lift people up- we have such a great opportunity to do that right now. To just start telling God again who He is, reminding ourselves that we’re in the hands of our protector, our provider, our healer. Amen? I hope you guys are well today, and that you will just go check out- there are some awesome records out- my friend Cody Carnes, worship leader at our church, just released an awesome album called “Run To The Father.” You should just take some time to get into worship and enjoy that. There’s also this awesome book a friend shared called Secrets To Powerful Prayer and it says you can see why Jesus so strongly admonished us not to worry. He didn’t make it a suggestion, He made it a command, because when you worry, You give Satan the place in your heart the Word is supposed to have. Man! What an awesome word. Just start replacing the words of fear with the Word of God, and just activate worship in your life right now. God bless you guys. Have an amazing day.
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Dave from Sidewalk Prophets

Hey, everybody! This is Dave Frey from the band Sidewalk Prophets and I know things can seem a little hopeless right now, but I wanted to shine some hope. For me, sometimes it’s as easy as looking out my window over there. I see kids in my neighborhood riding bikes; they scribble “joy” on the sidewalks and I think of when I was a kid. I felt so safe and secure…these days feel anything but that. I just wanted to pray for those children out there. I’m going to be a dad…that’s right! In a month and a half I’m going to have my first child. I can’t wait to hold him, but I pray that he comes into a world where Matthew 19:14 rings true. Jesus said, “let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven is made for such as these.” Believe that, y’all! Believe it. Know that joy is out there and let’s pray for those kids, those kids that are fearful. In fact, God calls us “His children”, so for the children of God- all His children- I pray that You shine some joy and some hope into our lives, because You never never have let us down. Amen.
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God bless you. Stay hopeful! ❤️