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My son loves Lucky Charms (They are “magically delicious”!). It’s got horseshoes, shamrocks, moons, leprechauns, and other charms that are associated with bringing good luck, and at the store the other day, I noticed there is even a special St. Patrick’s Day version of Lucky Charms.

Many Irish symbols and St. Patrick, especially, have been linked with luck over the years. While we may not scour our lawns for four-leaf-clovers or follow a rainbow looking for a pot of gold, we do use the language. We wish each other luck, wear our lucky hat, and feel lucky to be alive. As Christians, we do not put our hope in luck or chance; we trust that God is sovereign, in control. But why? Why is faith better than luck?

Luck is random, but God is intentional.

The world says that life is unpredictable and that luck is about being in the right place at the right time. But God has a purpose for us (Colossians 1:16), plans to help us and work for our good (Jeremiah 29:11 and Romans 8:28), and in Proverbs 16, we are told that God ultimately directs our steps.

Luck is temporary, but God’s blessings last forever.

We say this all the time. We catch a lucky break, or we are out of luck. It changes; it comes and goes, and we have no control over it. But God’s favor is for a lifetime (Psalm 30:5), and His love will last forever (Psalm 136:2). Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father . . . He never changes (James 1:17).

Luck relies on chance, but faith trusts God’s promises.

Luck is not predictable. It’s random. Sometimes it’s good, and sometimes it’s bad. But God never changes (Malachi 3:6), and He cannot lie (Titus 1:2). So if He promises something, its fulfillment is not random or unpredictable. It will happen. The Bible says that God works good for those who love Him. We don’t need a lucky charm; we have God’s Word. Why rely on chance? Trust in God, knowing He loves us and has promised to provide.

Luck says, “Cross your fingers”, but God’s Word says to pray.

When we want something good, if we are depending on luck, the most we can do is cross our fingers or knock on wood. There is no way to get the attention of “the gods” or fate or whatever to ask them to give us what we need. But God, over and over, tells us to call out to Him and He will hear us and answer us. Philippians 4:6 tells us, Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Don’t just hope for good fortune, ask and trust God to give you all you need.

Remember, our faith isn’t in luck, it is in God. Even when we do not understand His timing, we know we can trust Him to provide. Instead of chasing lucky breaks or looking for lucky charms, know God’s Word, pray with confidence, and trust His perfect plan.

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God bless you. Stay hopeful! ❤️

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