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Have you ever had an embarrassing experience, maybe even years ago – and it still haunts you? Maybe you did something stupid or had to deal with an awkward situation and you can still feel the humiliation today. You remember the sinking, sad, or defeated feeling and the sensation crawls all over you whenever anything prompts that memory.

One of my moments of humiliation was when I was a young, awkward introvert with very limited public speaking experience. I was “asked” (voluntold) to speak to a group of several hundred women attending a women’s retreat. It was not in a small, intimate setting to help me feel relaxed, but in a large auditorium, up on a stage with a mic.

Well, that brief speaking engagement was one of my lifelong embarrassing moments. I should have just run from the venue, but I sputtered and stammered and rambled on in complete nonsense. I did receive some pity applause at the end which made it even worse.

That was probably not the most embarrassing thing I have ever done, but it is the one, for me, most associated with an event. That women’s retreat was over twenty years ago, but I still internally cringe when I hear the words “women’s retreat.” But the feeling passes quickly because at the same retreat, many good things happened. Despite the fiasco, people were kind and included me, I met many fun women, I made a friend, and I got one of the best recipes I own. (Best Chocolate Chip Scone Recipe)

I know that going to a women’s retreat can be scary – even if you never have to be up on stage. “I don’t know anyone else going.” “What if no one talks to me?” Or maybe you don’t find meeting new people intimidating, but you do feel overwhelmed with work, and you need your weekend to rest and recover. “And who will feed my husband and kids?”

Hope 100.7 and Light 93.7 are now taking registrations for their second annual Hope & Light Women’s Retreat in August. You may have heard ads for it, but if you haven’t, click here for more information or to register. Even though the words “women’s retreat” instantly (but briefly) bring up bad memories for me, I know that when I go, I come away happy and glad I went. I often find a freedom spending time with other Christian women that you don’t find too many other places – freedom to have fun, to be honest, and to trust.

I don’t know if you’ll leave with the best recipe ever, but I do think you will meet other women and have fun – and I promise no one will make you go up on stage and give a speech!

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God bless you. Stay hopeful! ❤️

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