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Imagine this: your church’s Bible study is cancelled indefinitely due to the pandemic. You decide to do a study on your own. You’re ready for your morning quiet time and you’ve chosen a Bible study to begin. You have your workbook, but, wait- where’s your Bible? Oh, you left it in the car. You go out to get it real quick, but you end up in a 30-minute conversation with your neighbor… in your bathrobe. Ok, back in the house. You’re in your comfy chair when you realize you don’t have a pen. Sigh. You get up to go find one, when you somehow get distracted by the dirty dishes. You’re halfway through loading the dishwasher when you remember you’re supposed to be having quiet time right now. Ach! You sit back down in your chair and then remember you still don’t have a pen. Once you’ve got your pen, you finally start reading, but oh, no…there’s a word you don’t know. You reach for your phone to look it up, but it’s dead. And…it’s time to get ready for work. Maybe tomorrow. Or- it could go like this…you pick up your phone, click the Bible App and choose the study you’d like to do. Right there in the app you have access to everything you need: Scripture, commentary, the ability to take notes, bookmark, highlight, link, save, social connectivity, prayer, as well as access to video and audio content. Electronic Bible study doesn’t have to take the place of physical books and studies, but it certainly can streamline your quiet time routine and provide a lot of content at your fingertips throughout the day. Just make sure you’ve charged your phone!

YouVersion’s Facebook About page says:

“We wholeheartedly believe a daily rhythm of seeking intimacy with God has the power to transform lives. That’s why YouVersion creates biblically-centered, culturally relevant experiences that encourage and challenge people to seek God throughout each day. It’s through these experiences we create opportunities fit for anyone’s daily routine, ultimately helping them form a spiritually-rich rhythm of seeking God intimately.” 

There are hundreds of options for plans on YouVersion. You can use the search option and find plans from your favorite teachers. You can find options that are shorter or longer, deeper or more devotional type, subject-based or Scripture only. There is a “Search By Emotion” feature that helps you find what you need in God’s Word when you don’t know where to turn. There are even video-based studies if that’s what you’re looking for.

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7 Reading Plans To Try 

  1. A Chapter a Day: Reading The Bible in 3 Years
    A great plan for new Christians or if you’ve made the goal to read through the entire Bible. (Scripture only, no commentary)
  2. Known- A 5 Day Devotional by Tauren Wells
    “My desire is that one day we will all be able to step over the line from hopelessness to hope, from hurt to healing, from the struggle to surrender- that we will look around the room, beneath the cross, seeing each other and hearing Jesus tell us that we’re not alone.” ~Tauren Wells
  3. Reigniting The Joy of Motherhood by Lauren Gaines
    A brief 5 Day Devotional perfect for busy moms who need some perspective from the Word. 
  4. Something Needs to Change by David Platt
    An 8 Day Reading Plan based on the full length Bible study by the same name, which challenges believers to see and act on urgent physical and spiritual needs all around us, using lessons Platt learned from spending time in the Himalayas.

    “People who don’t know the Lord are entering eternity every day. We simply can’t go on with life as usual. We must live with urgency and gospel purpose. We don’t have time to sit back and relax.” ~David Platt
  5. 30 Ways To Strengthen Your Family
    A 7 Day Reading plan based on Rebecca Hagelin’s new book “30 Ways in 30 Days to Strengthen Your Family.”
  6. No More Perfect Moms
    A 7 Day devotional based on Jill Savage’s book by the same name that “will help you free yourself from unrealistic expectations as you learn to view yourself as God has made you.”
  7. Breaking Free From Envy: A 6 Day Reading Plan by Anna Light
    “Now more than ever, we are faced with everyone’s life as they want it to be seen, and the comparison to our own lives stirs up envy. You do not want this spirit festering in you, but what about the damage envy causes when it is coming against you from another person?”

It’s such a blessing to have instant access to God’s Word anytime we want. Let’s remember to pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are being persecuted and unable to have the abundance of resources we can so easily take for granted. 

If you use any of these reading plans or have others you’d like to share, let us know below!

For more thought-provoking topics, tune in to Hope 100.7. 
God bless you. Stay hopeful! ❤️

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