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Joy: “I had an opportunity to talk with Dr. Steve Ferrar, and ask him about distractions.”

Dr. Steve: “There’s constant information coming our way. It never ends. We’re getting pinged. We’re getting alerts. It just doesn’t stop. And once again, it’s the message of the world; it’s the perspective of the world. If I don’t have any time where I am feeding on the Scriptures before I get going in my day, meeting with people, dealing with my family- when I lose that ground, I’ve got nothing. I’ve got nothing to say. The Barna Group did a survey a couple of years ago of Christians who were committed to the Scriptures; they believe Jesus was the son of God. I mean, these are people that really take their Christianity seriously. They found out that only 17% of them have a biblical worldview. Now, how can that be? It’s because they listen more to what’s being told to them in the media and on Facebook and on social media. They get their information from (other sources) more than they do from the Scriptures. So they’re not much different than the world. We’ve got to start with the basics. When all else fails, read the directions.”

Most of us have been able to see in our own lives and in the lives of those around us that some guidelines have to be put in place to limit our screen time. If you like your phone, social media, games or videos, etc. it can be very difficult to self-regulate the amount of time you spend on these things. Spending too much time on social media can impact our relationships negatively. It can make us feel overwhelmed and resentful if we’re constantly seeing bad news or things that make us jealous. I’m certainly not the first person to point out that social media is a hotbed of comparison, and it’s never healthy to compare your everyday life to someone else’s highlights. If you’re in a place where you know you need to limit your screen time, we’re here to help. Here are 3 things you can do to get your screen time under control. (If you need help figuring out how to limit your children’s screen time, watch for the next blog post!)

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3 Ways To Take Control Of Your Screen Time

1. Use A Timer

Whether you set a kitchen timer manually, or use an app that cuts off your access to social media platforms, (or whatever app is a time-suck for you), timers are a great tool to help you be cognizant of how much time you’re spending on your phone. iPhones have a setting called “Screen Time” where you can see a breakdown of how you’re using your phone time, schedule downtime from your phone, set limits on each type of app, and more.

2. Hide Your Phone

Have you ever realized all of a sudden that you’re on Facebook even though you were only getting on your phone to check the weather? It’s crazy how fast that habit can take hold. Try hiding your phone from yourself. Put it in a drawer or somewhere out of your sight and see if it doesn’t help you find other (potentially more productive) things to do. In this same vein of thought, don’t charge your phone in your bedroom. I can hear you right now thinking, “but I use the alarm on my phone to wake up!” There are some ways around that…put your phone in the next room and put the volume on your alarm all the way up. Or, if that won’t work for you, set an alarm on an Echo or something similar. If that won’t work either, head to the closest thrift store and buy yourself a good old-fashioned alarm clock. 

3. Take Up A Hobby

Sometimes we find ourselves on our phone when we’re bored, or when we’re trying to pass time, like at the doctor’s office or waiting in line. Try keeping a book, or a crossword puzzle, or a magazine with you. For times you’ll be sitting down, you could learn to crochet, knit, make a bullet journal or sketch. Not only will you be keeping yourself from wasting time on your phone, but you’ll also learn a skill you’ll have for the rest of your life! What tricks do you use to limit your screen time?

Don’t forget to check back soon for our next blog about tips to help your kids limit their screen time too!

For more thought-provoking topics, tune in to Hope 100.7. 
God bless you. Stay hopeful! ❤️

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